An effective housing professional recognizes that change is an inherent reality of the work and commits to removing outdated policies, procedures, and practices that prevent students from accessing the support and resources needed for their learning. Housing organizations must be centered as learning organizations that accept the consistency of change, learn from past mistakes, and embrace future considerations.
Centering housing in operational learning is vital because not only does it allow housing and residence life departments to meet current challenges, but it also prepares individual staff and the organization as a whole to meet future challenges as they emerge; potentially even proactively averting them before they occur. To achieve this benchmark, departments must begin their work from a solid foundation, be aware of external factors that can affect their work, find assistance from available resources, and instill a culture of trust, flexibility, and a willingness to accept change.
The following resource list helps provide a foundational understanding of these concepts as well as guidance in integrating them into an organizational culture.
- Kerr, K. G., Edwards, K. E., Tweedy, J. F., Lichterman, H. & Knerr, A. R. (2020). The curricular approach to student affairs: A revolutionary shift for learning beyond the classroom. Stylus Publishing. (Foreword by Quaye, S. J.)
- Marquardt, M. J. (2011). Building the learning organization: Achieving strategic advantage through a commitment to learning (3rd ed.). Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
- Preskill, H. & Torres, R. T. (1998). Evaluative inquiry for learning in organizations. SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Senge, P. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization (2nd ed.). RandomHouse Business. (Related Graphic:
- Senge, P., Cambron-McCabe, N., Lucas, T., Smit, B. (2012). Schools that learn: A fifth discipline fieldbookfor educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education (2nd ed.). Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
- Senge, P. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. Currency Doubleday.
- Stroh, D. P. (2015). Systems thinking for social change: A practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results (illustrated edition). Chelsea Green Publishing.
- Kropf, H. (2020). Residence life as learning organizations: An inquiry into organizational elements that support integration of the residential curriculum (Publication No. 27958797). [Doctoral dissertation,
- Portland State University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publications.
- Lichterman, H. L. (2016). Organizational perspective on implementing the residential curriculum approach: An ethnographic case study. [Doctoral dissertation]. Retrieved from Scholar Commons.
- Goh, S. (1998). Toward a learning organization: The strategic building blocks. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 63, 15-22. (Related graphic:
- Nash, R. J., & Jang, J. J. J. (2013). The time has come to create meaning–making centers on college campuses. About Campus, 18(4), 2–9.