The ACUHO-I Nominations Committee for the 2025 Executive Board kicked off its work in April of 2024. This year’s cycle included three notable procedural modifications based on the work of the 2022 Nominations Mid-Year Work Group and the 2023 Nominations Committee:

  1. Two Sub-Committees. Rather than 1 body of volunteers working on all stages of the process, there were 2 sub-committees (one focused on recruitment and the other on selection/slating). This new division of duties was designed to address the “challenges associated with committee members being asked to assertively recruit nominees and then being charged with vetting those same nominees.” This is also a best practice among many associations. This new process was approved by the 2023 Board to be implemented for the first time during the current cycle for open positions to begin January 1, 2025. The recruitment sub-committee finished its work in May and the selection sub-committee in June ahead of the Executive Board meeting in Milwaukee, WI, where the proposed slate was approved by the 2024 Board as presented.
  2. Slating Limits. After many years of feedback about the number of candidates slated per position, the 2023 Board also voted to approve a maximum of up to four candidates per open position. Should only one qualified candidate for a position be identified by the Nominations Committee, the President and CEO refer to the steps outlined in the ACUHO-I Bylaws (3. Election of the Board, Section 2).
  3. Candidate Videos. This year, slated candidates were offered the opportunity to record short video introductions to the membership as an optional add-on to their application. Clear parameters on length, style, and content were provided to ensure that differing levels of resources were not an issue. Post-production assistance was provided to all candidates by the ACUHO-I home office.

The approved slate for the four open positions is an impressive group of experienced professionals with expertise in our knowledge domains and facility with the executive board core leadership competencies approved in 2024. While, in isolation, the 2025 slate suggests a lack of balance with gender diversity, when viewed in conjunction with continuing Board members, it is balanced and representative of the membership. Equally important, the slated candidates can each fill a gap left by board members with expiring terms. After discussion about the representation matter, the sitting Executive Board confirmed the slate.

I sincerely thank the 2024 Nominations Committee for all their efforts throughout the process, including:

Recruitment Sub-Committee:

  • Alma Sealine (Chair)
  • Kate Baier
  • Torry Brouillard-Bruce
  • Josh Gana
  • Kirsten Kennedy

Selection Sub-Committee:

  • Kathy Bush Hobgood (Chair & ACUHO-I President-Elect)
  • Allan Blattner
  • Derek Jackson
  • Nyerere Tryman
  • Marykatherine Woodson (ACUHO-I Equity & Inclusion Director)

About the Process

As in years past, members had the opportunity to nominate their peers or self-nominated for open positions. In addition, outreach was conducted to recruit a qualified and representative slate of candidates for election for the four open positions on the 2025 Board (Vice President, Workforce Development Director, Facilities & Physical Environment Director, and Business Practices & Enhancements Director). These efforts included ongoing messaging to the membership-at-large through ACUHO-I’s marketing and communications channels, and outreach to volunteer groups, past nominees, and past board members. Direct outreach efforts included contact with close to 40 individuals which yielded a slate of 9 candidates. Not all applicants who submitted applications were slated.

Returning Board Members in 2025

In terms of individual demographics, the 2024 Board members whose terms extend through 2025 include professionals who identify as follows: women (75%); heterosexual/straight (88%); and professionals of color (63%). From an institutional perspective, this group hails from larger (57% come from operations of 6,001+ beds) and public (86%) institutions.

Slated Candidates for the 2025 Board

The 2025 slate is composed of candidates who identify as follows: men (89%); heterosexual/straight (67%); professionals of color (11%), other race/ethnicity (44%), and prefer not to answer (44%). From an institutional standpoint, the slate leans public (56%) and has smaller operational representation, with 1/3 of the candidates coming from institutions with up to 4k beds.

As president, Kathy Bush Hobgood, will also have the opportunity to appoint up to two ex-officio (non-voting) board members. This constitutional provision allows the president to appoint additional members who are selected to move forward strategic initiatives and support association goals.

Vice President (3-Year Presidential Cycle, 2025-2027)

Michael Griffel
University of Oregon
Shigeo Iwamiya
University of Southern California

Workforce Development Director (3-year term, 2025-2027)

Vinnie Birkenmeyer
Pace University
Shaun Crisler
Le Moyne College
Brenda Ice
Brown University
Bill Mattera
Texas State University

Facilities & Physical Environment Director (2-year term, 2025-2026)

Andrew Crow
The Ohio State University
Barry Olson
Western Michigan University

Business Practices and Enhancement Director (2-year term, 2025-2026)

Jeff Cooper
California State University, Monterey Bay

The voting period will be July 30-August 13. Election results will be made public on August 22. For more information on the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to


Leon McClinton (Immediate Past-President)
2024 Nominations Committee Chair