On the morning of July 11, ACUHO-I sent a sponsored content email message to all members announcing an upcoming webinar from our industry partner, RecRe. We became aware that self-reported demographic information from our database populated the salutation field for some recipients. We recognize that this regrettable technological error impacted those who received it.
I apologize for this mistake, and ACUHO-I takes full responsibility for it; RecRe had no role in the process of merging the fields or the distribution of the email.
Please be assured that ACUHO-I does not share self-reported information about its members. Profile data submitted by individuals is collected to ensure that our programs, products, services, and opportunities serve, represent, and include the entirety of the field and our membership. As a practice, the ACUHO-I Executive Board regularly reviews and approves the Association’s privacy policy. You can learn more about that policy here.
Since we became aware of the issue, we have been working with our technology company to understand how this happened and to prevent it from happening again. We have also been speaking and meeting with members to answer questions and hear their concerns. ACUHO-I remains committed to being an inclusive organization for all. We are taking immediate steps to achieve this goal.
ACUHO-I is a stronger organization because of its powerful partnerships with our industry partners like RecRe and their commitment to powering the profession. We thank you for your understanding.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Mary DeNiro
608-206-4579 (cell)