The ACUHO-I Foundation thanks those individuals and organizations who have demonstrated their commitment to the campus housing profession through their multi-year pledges. To learn more about how you can become a major donor, please email
Individual Major Donors
Individual Major Donors are those who have shown their dedication to the campus housing profession by pledging to donate at least $1,000 per year for up to 20 years. Those who have completed their pledge are listed in bold type.
Thank you to all our patrons who help make the work of ACUHO-I possible.
25-year pledges ($25,000+)
Tom Ellett
20-year pledges ($20,000+)
Suzy Campbell
Connie Carson
Larry and Kwan Christenson
Jill Eckardt
Terri Gray
Patricia Martinez
Dino Martinez
Lee Thompson Family
David B. Stephen
Carmen Vance
15-year pledges ($15,000+)
Amy Aponte
Garry Bice, Jr.
Michael Coakley
Richard DeShields
Pete Galloway
Vennie Gore
Kathy Bush Hobgood
Lori Patterson
Andrew McDade
Pam Schreiber
Bill Schreiber
Alma R. Sealine
Brad Shaw
Von Stange
Shannon Staten
Andrea Trinklein
Willie Brown
10-year pledges ($10,000+)
Kate Baier
Susan Beebe
Allan Blattner
Scott Boden & Don Stenta
Rich Bova
Diane Brittingham
Torry Bruce & Melany Crews
Teri Bump
Melinda Carlson
J. Courson
Mary DeNiro
Lisa Freeman
Tina Fuchs
Ray Gasser
Lisa Hale-Meindl
Tom Hardy
Sandy Hill
Eddie Hull
Tom Kane
Kirsten Kennedy
Melissa Krewson
Beth McCuskey
Stephanie McDade
Azfar Mian
Gay Perez
Julie Payne Kirchmeier
Eric Proulx
Paul Riel
Sandy Schoonover
Deb Schmidt-Rogers
Gary & Beth Schwarzmueller
Shannon Staten
Jason Taylor
Sallie Traxler
Steve Waller
5-year pledges ($5,000+)
Beth Ackman
Wimer Alberto
Jeremy Alexander
Deiderie Allard
Craig Allen
Shana Alston
George Arey
Philip Badaszewski
Ann Bailey
Megan Becker
Chelsea Bennett
Vincent Birkenmeyer
Paula Bland
Timothy Blair
Katie & Charlie Boone
Bonnie Brackett
Diane Brittingham
Jeanette Bradeen
Patrick & Terri Bradley
Chantel Broxton
Matthew Carney
Stephanie Carter-Atkins
Jeremi Cheeks
Jim & Kay Chitwood
Diane Cline
Samantha Contrini
Thomas Cooley
Jack Collins
Patrick & Becky Connor
Mark Cordova
Karen Corley
Teresa Crum
Jim Curtin
Sandy Curtis
Kathy Daley
Brooke Daniel
Curtis Dugar
Norb Dunkel
Erik Elordi
Francisco Esteban
Cindy Felice
Fred Fotis
Michel Frendian
Josh Gana
Olan Garrett
Richard Gibson
Joanne Goldwater
Nate Gordon
D’aun Green
Matthew Grief
Michael & Lesley Griffel
David Grimes
Alan Hargrave
Raymond Hebert
Carole Henry
Crystal Henry
Ana Hernandez
Steve Herndon
David Hibbler
Charles Holmes-Hope
Luis Inoa
Peter Isaac
Paul Jahr
Mary & Jeff Janz
Tim Johnson
Garry Johnson
William Johnson
Alison Jones
Linda Kasper
Thayne King
Ann Marie Klotz
Jacob Knight
Kathryn Magura Krieger
James Lanier, Jr.
Harry LeGrande
John Lowney
Chris MacDonald
Jean MacKimmie
Bill Mattera
Leon McClinton
Steve McKenzie
Julie McMahon
LaFarin Meriwether
Demarcus Merritt
Ian Miller
Billy Molasso
Dan Morrison
Andrew Naylor
Danielle Nied
Rian Nostrum
Kyle Oldham
Stacy Oliver-Sikorski
Barry Olson
Joe Paulick
Dan Pedersen
Rosanne Proite
Scott Rausch
Randy & Barbara Rice
Renee Richard-Gonce
Monica Roberts
Stewart Robinette
Vern Rogers II
Debbie Scheibler
Kris Schraeder
Michael J. Schultz
Bill & Monica Shaub
David Short
Wayne Smith
Erik Sorensen
Dan Statter
Trey Stoermer
Jody Stone
Chris Stone-Sewalish
Ken & Ruth Stoner
Mari Strombom
Alvin Sturdivant
Lauren Teso
Tim Touchette
Nyerere Tryman
Casey Tullos
Elaine Turner
Terence Turner
Gina Vanacore
Cristal Visser
Rod Waters
Jennifer Wilder
Steve Wisener
Frank Witt
Carol Wright
Jane Wright
Paul Wuennenberg
Carol Young
Ryan Young