Questions about data entry? New to the CHI? Seeking one-on-one support? Want to connect with ACUHO-I about CHI data? These drop-in office hours are for you! Stop by to connect with us about the CHI and how your campus can participate this year.
A forward-looking initiative to design a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable campus housing profession.
ExploreACUHO-I For…
A forward-looking initiative to design a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable campus housing profession.
ExploreOctober 10 from 4-5 p.m. | October 11 from 12-1 p.m. ET (US)
Questions about data entry? New to the CHI? Seeking one-on-one support? Want to connect with ACUHO-I about CHI data? These drop-in office hours are for you! Stop by to connect with us about the CHI and how your campus can participate this year.