Future of the Profession

A forward-looking initiative to design a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable campus housing profession.


Annual Week of Giving

Honoring our Past, Investing in our Future

Join the celebration. Elevate your impact.

The Annual Week of Giving is more than a fundraiser; it’s a celebration of our shared dedication to the campus housing profession and the transformative programs your generosity supports. Let’s make history together and power the future of campus housing.


September 16-20, 2024

The Second Annual Week of Giving

This year is all about participation. In honor of ACUHO-I, a dedicated group of Industry Partners will match – dollar for dollar – up to $9,000, amplifying the impact of your contributions!

Every donation counts! Whether it’s $5 or $500, your gift brings us closer to our ambitious goal of uniting 200 donors to raise $40,000. Please join us in making your gift today!

Ways to Participate

  1. Make your gift (we accept Venmo)!
  2. Encourage your ACUHO-I colleagues and friends to join you!
  3. Share on social media. #honorandinvest

Let’s Power Our Profession, together!

Thank you to ALL our donors! Together, we’re Powering Our Profession. Your investment in ACUHO-I makes a difference.

The ACUHO-I Foundation is the only organization that raises money for ACUHO-I to fund large-scale educational programs, research initiatives, and practice innovations for campus housing and residence life professionals around the world. 

  • Future of the Profession Initiatives – helps institutions and individuals thrive and create a roadmap to a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable future for campus housing.  
  • Campus Housing Index – an invaluable resource providing the benchmarking data needed to evaluate your practices, make decisions, and articulate your resource needs.
  • Research grants – fund high-quality research in support of ACUHO-I’s research agenda priorities and the Future of the Profession imperatives.  
  • Scholarships and professional development – Through endowments and gifts, the Foundation underwrites professional development opportunities and invests in campus housing professionals at all career levels.

Your support fuels our mission and enables us to support dedicated professionals. Thank you for making a tangible difference in the lives of those shaping the future of campus housing and residence life:

I am very grateful for the opportunity to receive the scholarship to cover my entry fee to the ACUHO-I Housing Internship Program, and grateful to the ACUHO-I Foundation. That allowed me to have a wonderful and influential internship experience. It allowed me to enhance my customer service skills and gave me a sense of accomplishment when I could assist students effectively. Despite the initial nerves, I was gratified by my ability to address issues and support my colleagues as needed.  

Imani Lowe, Florida International University

“The Mid-Level Leadership Institute has been the most intentional professional development opportunity I have participated in thus far in my career. The cluster model, faculty leaders, and workshops supported open conversation, idea sharing, and relationship building among cohort members. The MLLI inspired reflection about my professional agency in a mid-management role, gave me pathways to increase my skills in project management and supervision, and provided me time to focus on how my own development can uplift my team. The MLLI serves as both a foundational skill building opportunity as well as a space for innovation for mid-level professionals in the campus housing community. I would encourage every mid-level professional to explore this institute!”

Olivia Murphy, University of Maryland-College Park

“As a dedicated Higher Ed Professional, I recently attended the NHTI conference in Seattle, Washington. The experience was truly eye-opening, offering invaluable insights that have significantly contributed to my professional development. The conference provided a unique opportunity to engage in close-knit cluster groups, where I found it helpful to be vulnerable and open about the highs and lows of working in Housing and Residence Life. This supportive environment allowed for meaningful connections and honest discussions, which were both refreshing and inspiring. The experience not only geared me for the current semester but also reinforced the immense value of the programs offered by NHTI to campus housing professionals. The impact of this experience has left me with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the support and growth opportunities within the field. Forever grateful for the opportunity and if I could do it all over again, I would.”

Che’Von Jefferson, Winston-Salem State University

“I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for awarding me the scholarship to attend the 2024 ACUHO-I Conference. Your generous support not only eased the financial burden but also provided me with an invaluable opportunity to learn, network, and develop invaluable skills that I will be using to make me a more marketable mid-level manager candidate. The knowledge and connections I gained at the conference have already begun to influence my work positively, and I am excited to apply what I have learned to contribute meaningfully to our community. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity and for the contributions overall that you all made to an amazing conference.”

Manny Duarte, The University of Arizona

Are you ready to help fuel the profession that is your passion? Whether you’re making your first gift or your one hundredth gift, thank you for being part of our mission to invest in people who make a difference in the campus housing profession worldwide!


Become a sustaining donor!
Sustaining gifts provide essential year-round funding to support the association’s areas of greatest need. To begin your recurring gift, visit acuho-i.org and click on Give at the top right of the homepage.  On the donation page, select Pledge to make your preferences.

  • Individual Major Donor $85/month for 5 years
  • Historian Pledge $30/month for 30 months
  • Innovator Pledge $10/month for 20 months

1951 Club

  • One Time Donation $19.51
  • Pledge $19.51 for 12 months($234.12 total)

Corporate Patrons

  • Diamond Major Donor $20,000+/year5 year-commitment
  • Corporate Major Donor $10,000 – $19,999/year 5 year-commitment
  • Gold Donors $6,000 – $9,999
  • Silver Donors $4,000 – $5,999
  • Bronze Donors $2,000 – $3,999

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